Bingo Night 2025
Join us for Bells Mill PTA Bingo Night on Saturday, February 22, 2025 in the APR!
Let's go green: please bring your own water as bottled water will NOT be available.
All pizza, cookie, and Bingo card pre-orders MUST be completed online only by February 17. This online platform will not be available thereafter.
Doors will open at 5:30PM. Bingo will begin at 6:00PM.
**Children must have a parent in attendance**
Questions: Contact the PTA at
Visit our PTA website to sign up for weekly Bear Post emails!
Through the PTA, families and teachers work together to enrich the school experience. Each year we sponsor more than 50 programs, including academic improvement, the teacher classroom fund, cultural arts programs, student experiences, school community events, staff appreciation and so much more!
PTA membership perks include discounted prices for events such as Bingo Night and Bells Mill Bash, voting rights at PTA meetings, and a BMES car magnet!
Step one: Update your family and student AtoZ directory contact information
Returning families: Verify or update your family contact information. Add any new students and review your privacy settings for the online directory.
New families: Create an account and enter directory information for your family (guardians and students). The directory allows us to stay connected as a school community. Set your privacy settings for the online directory.
Click here to update your profile or create an account
Step two: Join the Bells Mill PTA! This must be done each year.
A membership to the PTA costs $25 per family. We invite you to join the PTA For Your Child because increasing our membership, even by one family, helps make a difference.
Membership dues account for less than 15% of our annual budget and we ask families to consider making a donation to help us fill the gap. To limit the need for additional fundraisers during the year, we ask that families who are able donate $100 to the PTA when they join. However, please select an amount that works best for your family and remember there are lots of ways to support the PTA — either financially or by donating your time or expertise.
Click here to join the PTA (an account is required, see Step 1)
Extra Credit: Volunteer!
There are many volunteer opportunities for every skill and time commitment with the Bells Mill PTA. You can see a list of volunteer committees and complete a volunteer interest form if you would like to learn more about volunteering.
Volunteer Committee Info Volunteer Interest Form Required Volunteer Training
Questions about membership, volunteering or making a donation? Please contact